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  • altTag Fergie, 2008 BET

  • toolbox
    Apr 23, 02:06 AM
    Whats that facebook app you have up top?

    Facebook desktop notifications, throw that in google

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  • fergie hottest pic.

  • Plymouthbreezer
    Mar 8, 03:09 PM
    Hey everyone,

    CafeMacs.com is a website/forum for all Mac users! It's a great site, and we're not too big yet, but we're looking to grow. We "need" more members to make the forums more active, so if you have some free time and feel like checkin it out, don't be afraid to register and make some posts!

    Ryan, a.k.a Plymouthbreezer :)

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  • Dreadnought
    Aug 27, 03:04 PM
    Have you tried to stop folding and restarting the client? That usually works with my WindHell machine.

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  • fergie hottest girl ever

  • skunk
    May 4, 04:55 PM
    Many forum members here in the past have claimed that these methods also fall under the classification of torture, so what if information obtained using these methods led to the death of O.B.L.?It would simply indicate a failure of intelligence, and would invalidate any trial evidence. His death is meaningless anyway.
    As for the poster who asked what has been gained by his death, its called retribution.Who wants retribution? Your country has just destroyed two other nations and caused the deaths of in the region of a million people, including 4,000 US soldiers, and more or less bankrupted itself, all for what, 3,000 dead, in a search for one man? Is that retribution, or is it lunacy? How many more people now want retribution on the USA?


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  • fergie hottest pic. fergie

  • Dino F
    May 2, 05:52 AM
    According to O2, the white iPhone 4 is ONLY available through their high street retail shops?? Why is this??

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  • fergie hot kiss. views

  • le sacre
    Nov 2, 03:53 PM
    i pre-ordered mine at the beginning of october, and got it this morning (engraving and all--wow, small engraving font!). very positive first impression.

    i can see why some people complain about the clip at first: you expect it to be like a binder clip. i think apple's design is actually fine. there's a decent amount of force when the clip is wide open, and then when it's almost closed there's less force, the majority of its fastening power being supplied by the overlapping "teeth." for its intended use--clipping to clothes--i think it's great. whether it will clip successfully to other materials i think depends on the thickness (thicker is better up to a quarter inch or so), pliability (so the teeth can catch some material), and whether there is a thicker edge to catch onto. works flawlessly clipped on a shirt collar, any pocket, a flap with a thick edge, belt loop, anything you can clip it onto pointing down, etc. not so great on pinches of fine fabric. of course there's barely any weight to jostle it off. i expect no problems.

    sound quality of course is fine. haven't bought an ipod since '03, so i was pleasantly surprised by the "old" headphones' cord adjuster (you can cinch it up so that the left/right cords are held together up to a point of your choosing--is that new?). i ordered one of those pairs of logitech bluetooth headphones that are super cheap on account of their fragility, and am very excited to try to rig up a cordless gym-going system.

    the little dock is quite nice. pleasantly weighty for such a tiny form factor, and has a bottom surface that really seems to grip my desk, which is great--reassures you that it won't blow away or tip over.

    i think once again apple's done a great job of providing more control and info than you would expect out of such a simple interface. my favorite example: hitting the "play/pause" button three times takes you to a random song (in shuffle mode), or to the first song in your list (in standard mode--very useful!) this is probably not new, but i didn't know about it before and like it a lot. you can also press and hold the play/pause button to toggle the hold mode (shutting off responsiveness of the buttons). and unplugging headphones automatically pauses playback.

    itunes 7.0.2 worked great to load it up (though being used to my 3rd gen ipod i miss the speed of firewire). now when i plug in the shuffle there are two tabs at the top of the content window--one for settings and one for content.

    so overall i love it. if forced, i could come up with 1.5 complaints. 1) the engraving is kind of hard to read--small, part of it just slightly fuzzy. .5) though i totally don't expect it to slip from wherever i clip it, i would probably feel more secure if the clip were a bit stronger.


    fergie hottest pic. What#39;s Hot at PopCrunch?
  • What#39;s Hot at PopCrunch?

  • mozmac
    Nov 20, 05:03 PM
    Next Tuesday, Sweet!

    Ha ha. That is the phrase of 2005.

    fergie hottest pic. Fergie Had Lesbian Flings When
  • Fergie Had Lesbian Flings When

  • TuffLuffJimmy
    Apr 25, 01:07 AM
    Reason it isn't a disgrace: The white enclosure apparently was causing trouble with the camera due to light leakage. You would most likely be calling that disgraceful if they had indeed released a 500$ phone with that rather huge flaw, so I guess they can't win.

    The camera issue actually only occurred in white iPhones where people bought unofficial knockoff parts to modify their black iPhones. People who were lucky enough to get the few real deal Foxcon parts experienced no issues. However, I do believe that white was delayed because (among economic reasons) the backlight bled through the glass and was very noticeable in dark settings.


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  • in the hottest fergie pics

  • Farns514
    Dec 25, 12:08 PM
    I got a.... http://www.leverarms.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/500x500/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/r/e/remington_model_887_nitro_mag_pump_action_shotgun.jpg

    Remington 887 Nitro Mag 12 gauge shotgun.
    - also got some Clothes and other random things.

    Best part of this morning, I 'Iced' my brother with. 22oz smirnoff ice hidden in a gift. It was priceless......:D:p

    fergie hottest pic. fergie hottest pic. Fergie.
  • fergie hottest pic. Fergie.

  • ucfgrad93
    Apr 3, 03:17 PM
    On my MBP.


    fergie hottest pic. Josh Duhamel and Fergie
  • Josh Duhamel and Fergie

  • sporadicMotion
    Dec 2, 02:25 AM

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  • Hollywood#39;s Hottest Body

  • chaseardoin7
    Jan 14, 12:23 PM
    I have not seen it reported on macrumors.com's homepage but apple has posted it on their site.


    chase :apple:


    fergie hottest pic. “Nine” will be Fergie#39;s first
  • “Nine” will be Fergie#39;s first

  • Jimmy23
    Apr 13, 12:44 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

    It will last, I have a 2g model still and it is wide open, it was under water for 20 min and it still works . I should be saying what you are saying lol

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  • next Fergie+hot+photos

  • AndyUnderscoreR
    Mar 23, 05:58 PM
    One tip I have for those clients who want to change absolutley every little detail... explain that you are happy to change it all for an extra fee, and you'll even offer a lower hourly rate since you're not being asked to do anything creative, but remind them that they will end up with a site designed by an amateur to their personal, individual taste, rather than the site designed by a professional and designed to appeal to their whole customer base that they've already paid for.


    fergie hottest pic. Fergie is NOT hot. Oh man.
  • Fergie is NOT hot. Oh man.

  • Frankydan100
    Apr 1, 11:14 AM
    Heres mine for April

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  • Benjy91
    Mar 23, 12:40 PM
    Now if this guy is not leaving to retire. Then RIP Apple. Seriously, if Apple thinks I want my computer to resemble an overgrown iPad then they can loose my money and I'll be buying an Alienware.

    Have fun with your Alienware, be sure to have a backup generator on hand for the 12,000 LED's that thing has.

    I hear battery life is 20 minutes.



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  • of hip-hop#39;s hottest acts

  • adk
    Dec 28, 06:51 PM
    I'm trying to change my Idisk Icon, but I can't find it in candybar under volumes or applications. Any Ideas? I'm on a trial version of .mac right now if that helps.

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  • while red-hot singer Fergie

  • corywoolf
    Sep 26, 08:56 PM
    Glad I get .Mac for free. I like the look of it, but please Apple do the following:

    - 4 GB iDisk
    - New Killer Feature
    - Lower the price to $79
    - Better integration

    fergie hottest pic. fergie hot kiss
  • fergie hot kiss

  • vincenz
    Apr 13, 09:22 AM
    I don't mind. More time to enjoy the 4 :)

    Jun 26, 02:03 PM
    I already have my lovely Canon 50mm f1.4 EF lens on ebay if anybody wants it.


    Thanks if you bid anyway.

    Sep 6, 01:25 PM
    Cleaned it up


    May 5, 10:15 AM
    But lives could be saved if we did tests on them, probably 100's of thousands of lives.

    Isn't your point that the ends justify the means? If we torture people we might be able to obtain information and save lives? Well if saving lives is the goal we should be testing drugs and experimental procedures on criminals after all it will save lives.

    Should we torture criminals we catch (in this country) until they inform on other criminals they know? After all it might save lives.

    We can keep going in circles. I think you do get what I mean with the "medical testing" thing.

    Again, you are taking one sentence I said and ignoring the rest. I also said that each case needs to be analyzed individually at the end. Hence the people who are part of the police/army/intelligence agencies/etc need to be intelligent and sensible people.

    Sep 24, 03:39 PM
    i would let him, especially if the girl's parents are okay with it. just make sure its safe sex

    Oct 17, 09:18 PM

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