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  • rdowns
    Apr 26, 10:07 AM
    I did have something to add, my opinion, which I am more than entitled to state just as much as you do.

    That's nice. IMO, your opinions are worthless. You're just looking to stir **** up. As I said, your act is wearing thin.

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  • tvguru
    Sep 12, 07:21 AM
    Note that it doesn't say "The iTunes Music Store is being updated." That's a pretty clear sign to me that not only are they going to add movies, it's also now just going to be the iTunes Store.

    Good catch, although it could mean nothing.

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  • cynerjist
    Jan 8, 10:40 PM
    Probably. :D BTW, you have a link to that? Edit: nvm I found it on MS's site. (http://www.microsoft.com/events/executives/billgates.mspx)

    i couldn't get anything that's a windows media file to play. here is a link for people with that problem. it has all keynotes as .flv

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  • bushido
    Apr 25, 01:44 PM
    more worried about it still using the dated iOS :P

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  • Lord Blackadder
    Aug 9, 06:39 PM
    Couple points...

    1) The problem with MPG on something like the volt is that it doesn't make any sense to measure it this way
    - MPG is simply the wrong standard to use when you're talking about what is primarily an electric car
    - Regarding it "only getting 50mpg", I don't believe that's been settled, but if true, then that's still 8MPG than the best highway mileage VW is able to currently offer in the US

    It is true that measuring the Volt's efficiency is problematic if you are trying to speak in terms of "mpg". However, we can't simply ignore where the extra electricity is coming from - especially when that electricity was probably produced by burning coal or oil.

    And that's what's so sinister about the electrics. Because it is hard to track just how efficient (or inefficient) the electricity from the grid is (created from fossil fuels, suffering from parasitic loss through the lines and then being stored in a battery before being used), people tend to ignore that whole side of the equation. But it is just as important.

    In terms of using its onboard generator, the Volt is very efficient. But most people that use one will probably drive it as an electric most of the time, so the efficiency of the power coming off the grid becomes the primary concern. And figuring that out is much harder than looking at mpg numbers. How many pounds of coal/gallons of oil are burned at the power plant to get your Volt a mile down the road (I assume it works out to be fairly efficent, but I don't know any numbers)? More importantly, would a proliferation in plug-ins result in regular rolling blackouts because power plants can't keep up with rising demand?

    2) Diesels don't get 50-60mpg in the US for two reasons

    a) The MPG numbers for a Euro engine are measured in imperial gallons, which are 20% bigger than US gallons and thus inflate the MPG by 20%. Furthermore, these MPG standards are measured using completely different testing methods between the US and Europe, so you can't directly compare them.

    b) None of those super-fuel-efficient Euro engines have been able to pass US emissions laws yet.

    Would I drop 41K on one (or 33K after rebates)?

    Probably not, but I'm sure they'll sell every one that they can make and I'm sure that price will come down over time.

    Imperial gallons are easily converted on Google, I was accounting for that. The biggest thing Americans have trouble with is adjusting to smaller cars. The cars we drive are, on average, unneccesarily big - and anyone who says otherwise is thought to be a Communist. If you want better mielage, drive a smaller car. 90% of truck and SUV owners use their vehicles to their full capacity a tiny percentage of the time. Most of them could do with a much smaller vehicle. Lifestyle changes (buying a smaller car, driving less) are the only way to really reduce fuel consumption on a national or global scale in the near to medium future. We can't wait for technology alone to pick up the slack.

    The emissions legislation differences are a farce. The US, EU and Japan should standardize a set of emissions & safety legislation so that any car made in those countries could be exported to any of the others. There's no good reason not to - but a lot of stupid political reasons why it will never happen.

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  • Ygn
    Nov 12, 11:01 AM
    I'm a Nazi zomb expert (and I do mean expert) and let me say that they made it hard this time around. It seems to be made specifically for the cult players. If you couldn't get past lvl 15 in the last levels, you aren't grtting past 4-5 here.

    I'm similar... the key to doing well this time around is to communicate with the other players. :p

    The classic zombie maps from WaW are a vast improvement this time around, the graphics are much better.

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  • Aeolius
    Oct 6, 06:46 PM
    As a fan of Japanese architecture and minimalism myself, this is a refreshing idea to read about. Nothing beats a mix of modern and Japanese architecture.

    To each their own, I suppose. Personally, I dislike modern-looking houses. When we built our house, I wanted it to look like it had been here half a century.

    I still don't consider my house a mansion, though. When I think of a mansion I think of fragile decor (not childproof), rooms decorated just for show (formal dining room, etc), immaculate landscaping, a garage without a drop of oil on the floor, a wet bar, and either a room devoted to the display of taxidermy or a room filled with musical instruments that no one plays.

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  • BlizzardBomb
    Aug 7, 03:38 PM
    Is there still a chance for an update?

    There were updates. (http://guides.macrumors.com/Apple_Cinema_Displays) Better brightness and contrast ratio on the 20" and 23".

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  • kentkomine
    Apr 25, 03:03 PM
    This sounds pretty sweet! Hopefully its not "just a white iPhone 4". I could really use an iPhone 4S.

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  • Nekbeth
    Apr 27, 08:19 PM
    I going to do that balamw, I'll show you what I got so far in little while.

    Knight , I don't know how you do it. Check my photo log, mine keeps on running.

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  • Karnivore
    Apr 26, 08:34 AM
    3.7" ain't going to cut it, sorry

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  • macfan881
    Oct 6, 01:38 PM
    Verizon Still SUCKS over ATT though mainly for two reasons A. They Cripple the phones beyond belife and 2 there lovely UI is disgusting

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  • maveness
    Nov 16, 04:52 PM
    Store still down for me...

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  • p0intblank
    Jan 5, 04:20 PM
    I did this for WWDC and enjoyed it more than reading the updates. I'll be doing it again for Macworld. It's just so much more exciting. :D

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  • drsmithy
    Oct 5, 02:33 AM
    It'd be pretty easy to check actually, and really quite legal. The part of Mac OS X that actually implements SMP is the kernel, which is part of Darwin. You can install Darwin without fear of repurcusions, on your toaster, if you want.

    Isn't the version of Darwin underpinning OS X/Intel no longer Open Source ?

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  • Sdevante
    Mar 17, 10:08 AM
    I call shenanigans.

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  • rdowns
    Apr 23, 01:15 PM
    The rating system looks ugly and out of place and just adds clutter to the forums.

    Much like the logo in your avatar. :p

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  • Scarlet Fever
    Jan 13, 05:12 PM
    so now if i need the widescreen ipod, but dont like the phone .. i dont have the choice .. either stand outside apple outlet and drool all day or go in and pay extra for the phone that comes with the ipod that i want.

    but the point is that Apple's lineup isn't going to stay the way it is forever. Within a couple of weeks or months, Apple will announce the widescreen iPod. Now that they have shown what you can do with a touchscreen, I reckon we should expect OS X and a dully-touchable display on the iPod.

    Just wait a little while; the 6th Gen iPod will be released :)

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  • Arcus
    Apr 5, 04:02 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Is Larry Page retarded? Seriously? Have you heard him speak? I think he is retarded!

    You never go full retard though....but this is dam close.

    Sep 12, 05:37 AM
    If it's just Disney, then there's not much point. The reason iTMS succeeded from the start was that it was simple and it had the largest library from which you could purchase single songs. If the iTunes Movie store starts with just Disney movies, then it's dead in the water. Let's just hope that ThinkSecret is wrong again, as usual.
    As I recall itunes was very small when it started.

    Al Coholic
    Mar 28, 02:46 PM
    The people have already voted...

    It's called the "Top Grossing" category.

    Mar 28, 03:22 PM
    Welcome to 1984.

    Let me preface this by saying my household has alot of Apple products. I'm not an Apple hater.

    Mar 24, 03:37 PM
    I remember my first iBook G3 came with OS X 10.1. The G3 was so underpowered to handle OS X it render most of the OS unusable. Screen redraw times were ridiculous.

    But now it's more gooder.

    l3lack J4ck
    Nov 24, 12:15 AM
    i just noticed that....im thinking they probably updated it...but this is more of a "mirror" per say of the old store...at midnight pst it will update im guessing...

    thats just an idea

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