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  • PeterQVenkman
    Apr 29, 04:00 PM
    1. Dang, I liked the sliders. Wish Apple would set an option in the system preferences to enable/disable them.

    My bet is that you'll get sliders if you use it on a touch screen based mac which we all know are coming.

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  • OrangeSVTguy
    Dec 13, 11:25 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Good. I'm still in my 30 days to cancel AT&T if this indeed come out after Christmas.

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  • aswitcher
    Jan 11, 05:08 PM
    Yeah, it was disappointing. Doing it to one booth and then making clear it was them not a fault I would have chuckled at. But the whole place and during peoples presentations. Good luck getting sponsorship and interviews now. Shame, I like Gizmodos stuff.

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  • schwell
    Oct 30, 08:18 AM
    Same with me. its all about location. I have AT&T (iPhone) and Verizon (BB Storm), both drop calls, where i have coverage on one, i dont on the other and vice versa. So to say one has better coverage or not, its hard to point in the right direction. Really... As long as i can make a call im good, I had perfect coverage 2 days ago on the Storm and the network wasnt working, while my iPhone had 1 bar on 3G and no issues.

    But its a cool commerical, I like how they are only talking about 3G coverage not over all service coverage, kind of makes Verizon look better. Then again...who is struggling for not having the iPhone?

    I would NOT characterize Verizon as struggling. Now Sprint on the other hand is struggling.


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  • MacRumorUser
    Nov 26, 05:33 PM
    It's excellent not only in 3D but as a game in general. Levels are just about as varied and as long as they need to be that it never feels like a chore.

    3D truly adds to the immersion. You enable it in the options menu (stereoscopic support).

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  • Dont Hurt Me
    Nov 16, 08:16 AM
    And people thought Apple could never ever go Intel, so why not? Athlon 64 x2 cores have dropped in price,ati has a bunch of video chips it could mate and this machine would kill any integrated graphic solution if both Apple & Ati were wanting to do this. It would make sense. Rumors:)


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  • Doenertier
    Oct 3, 02:20 AM
    All this talk is great. ... ... ... In case you haven't noticed, it's already easy to get DVD-quality movies and TV shows online for free. Yes, yes, I know, that's illegal, and we're all going to get sued by the MPAA and the RIAA and NCAA and AARP. Just let me know when I should actually start worrying about it.

    The moment you've got a life to lose if you're sued and you have your hds full of pirated movies, music and stuff would be a good point to start being worried. About that life of yours if you're having a job and a family and things like that. Could get nasty if you're having a criminal record and things like that, you know.

    Just my thoughts.

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  • Donz0r
    Oct 3, 12:32 PM
    iTV, Leopard Details, iWork/iLife updates, Laptop updates? iPod true video? (iPhone yeah right)

    That seems like a lot of stuff for just one keynote. He better release that iPod video before the holidays, Market analysts are switching from Buy to Hold because of Apples poor holiday line-up. The stock has gone down about 4% in the past 2 days! that may not concern most of you, but it concerns me damnit!

    Also, i want to buy new goodies!

    iTV is a definite. Whether or not it's available then, at the very least the final feature set will be specified. As part of that, Apple will probably announce all Macs are updated with 802.11n (already rumored to be the case for iMacs).

    I would also rate the iPhone a very high probability. Apple is not stupid and they have to strike now while the iron is hot and the iPod is still at the top of its game. Music phones by SonyEricsson, LG, Samsung, Motorola, etc. may not have made a dent in iPod sales yet, but they are bound to once they improve the crappy media player software and increase capacity (and affordable 2 GB micro/mini SD flash cards are already available).

    If Apple is able to deliver an iPhone by early I predict it will sweep aside all competitors (LG Chocolate, SonyEricsson Walkman phone, etc.), and also start taking large chunks of market share of "cool" fashionista-oriented phones like RAZR and Sidekick. Not because Apple is competing on features with the RAZR or Sidekick, but rather because it will become the new "cool" phone, and most people only own one phone, after all.

    If the iPhone did as well as the RAZR, it would be amazing! I really hope that happens, but personally, i hate the RAZR, not just because Everybody and their 12 year old daughter have one, but because i just don't like the design and small outside screen, although i love the huge inside screen.
    Anyway, I agree that they should release the iPhone asap to tap into the MP3 playing phone market which is HUGE right now! (RAZR with media just released, LG Chololate, seems like every phone has mp3 capabilities which everyone wants, but then they get the phone and realize the capabilities SUCK on their phone.

    I'd switch to cingular just for the iPhone.


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  • door4
    Sep 12, 07:56 AM
    To be honest I don't care about the bitrate of audio tracks..

    However if they brought American TV shows onto a global release date (ie we get them the same time as they do) - THEN i'd care about the update.

    Anything else is just more clutter..

    Don't be to hopeful... most of our (US) tv is crap. I'd rather watch BBC.

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  • camelsnot
    Mar 17, 07:04 AM
    Haaaaaaa just shared a launch day story, and the majority of you would have hauled ass with iPad in hand for the price I paid. Haters lmfao

    not so much. With that kind of screw up, I would've gone back. yes, you are bragging about someone elses mistake and how you capitalized on it.

    Douches eventually get theirs. People like that tend to get what's coming to them 10 fold, regardless if you feel you need to debate if it's karma or "moral code". I bet you're one those people who finds a wallet with $50, credit cards, driver's license and a condom and tries to use all the contents then throws the wallet away. Do you kick dogs too?

    Your other option is to go back to Best Buy and explain what happened, saying you didn't realize the error until settling your bank accounts while doing bills. That's if you actually have any bank accounts.. or have a conscious at all.

    Have an adequate day.


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  • airforce1
    May 2, 10:50 AM
    Google's approach is completely different. When phones running the Google OS detect any wireless network, they beam its MAC address, signal strength and GPS coordinates to Google servers, along with the unique ID of the handset.

    You can check if any androids have reported your home network to google by inputting your router's MAC here:



    Apple on the other hand decided to go above the law, after all it must feel powerful now that they have starving Chinese sweatshop workers sign suicide agreements after known they will be driven to the point of no return

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  • someguy
    Jan 12, 09:40 AM
    Wow, I just watched the keynote and my god this guy is hard to stand. I've watched previous keynotes and he never seemed this bad. The charisma he's displayed in the past has been replaced with smugness. He acted like the iPhone was the second coming of christ and we were so lucky that he existed to bring it upon us.

    When really, this is probably the single worst keynote for Mac users that he has ever given. No hardware updates. No 10.5 preview. Not even iLife and iWork '07! Plus, very people I know are going to be interested in spending $600 + $60 a month or more to use this phone while plenty of us would love to spend $300 or $400 or even more on a full-screen video iPod. God, I wish this keynote was all some nightmare and in the real one Apple actually gave us something we wanted.
    This may have already been said, I haven't read this thread because this topic has been done to death IMO, but I sense more arrogance in your single post than in all of Steve's keynotes combined.


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  • wvuwhat
    Nov 8, 04:23 PM
    I'm pre-ordered from Best Buy, so I'll head there at Midnight tonight and pick it up. I'm not working Tuesday or Wednesday and I made sure to go to bed at 10AM this morning, and I woke up about 30 minutes ago. My plan is to get the game, and stay up till noon tomorrow.

    God, I need a life. I told my gf that she won't see me for a week.

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  • Assistant Cover Letter

  • Sun Baked
    Mar 23, 07:04 PM
    LOL, if you really feel that bad about it my PayPal address is rtdgoldfish@gmail.com. I won't say no. :DYou'd probably only say no if some of the people expected to "borrow" your body for that $5 a pop. ;)


    Likely somebody that knew you had it and wanted it, hence the targeted break in. :(

    And since it seems like a neighbor took it, it shows that they are an idiot.

    Time to break out the video camera for evidence.

    Edit: if a kid took it, sue the parents if they do not make good on damages and return the merchandise. Should only need that video tape for a small claims case.


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  • timmillwood
    Oct 3, 01:30 PM
    lets hope we get new MBPs before Macworld in Jan!

    in Jan i hope to get iTV, iLife '07, Leopard and maybe an iPhone

    I would like to see iTV a cross between Tivo and Front Row

    There is not much i would like to see added to iLife but i bet Steve will make my buy it

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  • zep1977
    Mar 24, 03:24 PM
    Time really flies.

    I remember walking into the local CompUSA and picking up my copy. They had them stuffed in the back corner along with one G4 that wasn't even working along with it's broken CD drive cover.

    Amazing how the times have changed since then.

    Looking forward to the next 10 years of the Mac OS.



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  • *LTD*
    Mar 6, 02:18 PM
    One problem I see with Apple though is once they have their successful recipe, they tend to stagnate on it. That's when the competition gets the jump, starts innovating themselves and pushes ahead.

    No they don't. They just attempt to copy (often badly), then license universally and flood the market with a lot junk that includes a ton of different models at very low price points.

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  • ezekielrage_99
    Jan 15, 06:06 PM
    Dude this is insane if its real. Yah think???

    I wasn't saying if it's real or not it's the fact that Gizmodo just did a huge prank and they listed a Keynote supposedly from Apple. Real or not Apple is very protective about information about themselves.

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  • Mac Marc
    Apr 25, 12:08 PM
    I seriously doubt Apple is going to change the screen size so slightly because it may require a lot of software re-writes (unless the apps are truly resolution independent).

    Perhaps, the screen only appears bigger because the borders will relatively shrink in the next generation????

    Aug 2, 09:28 AM
    The default M4A bit rate used by iTunes is a joke. You have to be 80 years old not to notice the huge difference between a CD and a standard iTunes M4A track.

    I'm sorry but most people (I'd say 99.9%) can't hear the difference between a CD and a 128kbps AAC file.

    Heck, we got people still using 128kbps MP3 for crying out loud. If they heard any difference (or if it really sounded like crap) we'd see them using 256kbps MP3 instead. Granted, the encoder makes a huge difference, but most files you see on P2P networks are 128kbps.

    Sep 12, 08:49 AM
    Those are easier for me because I grew up with them. I can't even say the name of my street right in this country. :P Terowi, like what's that?

    Anyways I degrees, this update better be for all stores since they are all down otherwise it'll be the first of a few disappointments of the evening.

    Yes there will be disappointments we always shoot to high and feel cheated.

    TE- ROW(as in fight)-EE

    Can't wait for all the disappointment to settle in. The Merom-waiters are going to go beserk.

    Apr 29, 02:35 PM
    They won't make Lion "uninstallable" on it. But it might be "unbearable" for all but the most casual of users. ;)

    On a side note, I've noticed there's now a "Show downloads" button to the left of the Search Field:

    Image (http://forums.macrumors.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=283487&stc=1&d=1304105242)

    Hmm, a lot of new white UI elements(this and Quick Look). I wouldn't be surprised if Apple started offering Macs with a white bezel option.

    Oct 10, 09:41 PM
    I really love it, but if the "true video" iPod comes out in, say, a brown color, I might not be able to resist. . .

    Sep 12, 12:21 AM
    Here's to a ripe Apple Wednesday morning, followed by a Liverpool win.

    Yep, love my "New Hardware Wednesdays." Followed by "Watch Keynote Wednesday Afternoons whilst downloading new versions of software and saving pdf files of every new hardware page."

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