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  • newdeal
    Feb 27, 03:48 PM
    Just wondering if there is a way to disable apples multitasking on the ipad with 4.2? I much preferred using backgrounder and proswitcher on 3.2 and would love to be able to go back to something better than apples implementation. Also I was wondering if the same virtual memory hack for 3.2 works with 4.2?

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  • lack and white quotes and

  • Mattie Num Nums
    Apr 29, 01:37 PM
    Apple should really diversify their suppliers anyway, which is what they look like they are doing. Cut Samsung supply by 50%, and threaten all of it if they don't get their act together. Surely Samsung doesn't think that that they can bring in this kind of revenue on their own merit. Outside of LCD televisions, Samsung has an image problem, and even that has only improved in the last few years.

    I hate these ridiculous statements. Samsung is a huge conglomerate that builds everything from microchips to 100 story sky scrapers. They don't need Apple to survive.

    Samsung built Tower 2:


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  • Reefbone
    Feb 10, 12:50 PM
    I have the 450 minute plan for $29.99. Kinda worried I won't be able to do this. I see mention of people on the same plan for $39.99 and that price point being one of the qualifiers.

    UPDATE: Spoke to ATT: If I add the unlimited M2M then I lose my Corporate discount... I'm kinda torn as I have been steadily blowing through my rollovers minute this past year. I started with close to 2000 minutes of rollover and am down to only 50mins left. I would have to spend $15 more per month to the the feature but @.45/min over 450 it could get ugly quick. Torn...

    black and white quotes. lack and white love quotes.
  • lack and white love quotes.

  • lamina
    Jan 9, 03:12 PM
    I was expecting iLife and iWork 07, but I am not overly disappointed that it wasn't mentioned.

    I am, however, pretty upset that there was no mention of Leopard. I wasn't expecting a release today, but maybe even a release date.

    The iPhone is amazing and shows how much Apple is ahead of the game, but I have no use for a phone. It would be cool if the next iPod had the same features, sans phone capability, especially Google Maps, because I never know where the hell I'm going.

    I wasn't expecting any updates to the portable lines or iMacs, or even the iPod really.

    The main focus of my excitement for today was Leopard, and not even a single mention! I'm glad they're not pushing it out before it's ready, but jeez!


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  • Mitthrawnuruodo
    Dec 19, 05:06 PM
    Good one. :)

    And nice that you didn't equip Steve with the same (scary) eyes as the ones on the Finder 'tar... ;)

    black and white quotes. Black And White Quotes - Black
  • Black And White Quotes - Black

  • *LTD*
    Apr 27, 05:00 PM
    There's nothing stupid about this. Its a huge privacy violation to have your locations constantly tracked without your consent, even if the data is not used directly by Apple.

    For the 100000th time, it doesn't track your location.

    Steve just does not look well in that photo - I even had to look closely to see if he'd been Photoshopped in or not as the colour of his skin is so different to the others'...

    Really?? No way!

    The man is undergoing cancer treatment. How do you expect him to look? He hasn't been looking well for a long time now. Probably because . . . he's ill?

    How many more "Steve Jobs doesn't look well" comments do we need to read?

    The point is, despite his not looking well, he's playing a very active role and making key decisions.


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  • flopticalcube
    Mar 2, 11:36 AM
    Try telling the boomers that their ss contributions weren't for them but for their now deceased parents to live off of and that there is nothing left for them. Not a vote winner. Healthcare reform is the only way. Other nations achieve much better results in both healthcare and education with less money. Unfortunately there is also a lot of debt to be paid back which will be expensive when rates rise. More pain to come. Raise taxes and cut spending.

    black and white quotes. Quote Collage
  • Quote Collage

  • SPG
    Jul 26, 07:40 PM
    Word is that this is a really really basic functionality intended for data and not meant to be any kind of HD video type of software.
    This is however the first step to getting HD discs authored on the Mac.
    Right now the only real HD authoring options each cost over $50,000 so if Apple is planning on getting an HD version of DVD Studio pro this would be a start in the right direction.


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  • G5Unit
    Apr 5, 08:36 PM
    Man, I never look at the finer detials

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  • HydroMan
    Feb 20, 09:39 AM
    Ok, here you go, my list of "Must Have" free apps: .......
    Gimp: A very poor man's photoshop.

    Anyway, thats all. Let me know what you think of my list.

    I'd have to disagree Gimp is a powerful app I love it and compared to PS it's a steal. It's free and if your a hobbyist like me that alone is unbeatable, I could never justify spending $649 for just touching up the odd photo, Gimp is invaluable if you like to make your own calendars, invites, birthday cards, spoof pictures etc, I used to use Corel Draw/Photo-Paint8 until I upgraded to OSX and can say Gimp is far superior to them, I'm not having ago at you I just think the term "very" would put off a lot of non/semi pro's from trying it.
    System optimizer is shareware-$12
    Cocktail is a demo prices start from $14.95 - $699-(ok thats for a worldwide licence :D )
    Konfabulator is shareware-$24.95


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  • VanMac
    Sep 27, 08:37 AM

    I use .mac and webmail alot. Will be nice to get an improved interface.

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  • MCMarshall
    Jan 18, 04:54 AM
    The back of that car looks like a BMW. I quite like it, still not a fan of the new VW front grills though unfortunately.

    One car I'd love to see in the US (as I may well end up living there one day) is the Ford Mondeo sold in the European market. Absolutely love the design of that car for a saloon/sedan.


    black and white quotes. cute lack and white quotes
  • cute lack and white quotes

  • NYY FaN
    Dec 25, 05:02 AM
    Logitech Revue

    Pioneer VSX-1020-K

    Apple TV

    Yankee Jersey


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  • #lack and white / Via:

  • JAT
    Apr 7, 04:31 PM
    What makes you think that they're better? ;)

    They won't have any bug fixes.


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  • neko girl
    May 3, 02:07 AM
    The irony of a forum with a very large gay and bisexual membership to ask for blood donations is beyond ridiculous.

    Think this through, MacRumors, think this through.
    I think what good donating blood does is bigger than your sexual orientation, or mine. I would have died if not for donated blood, so maybe I'm biased, I don't know.

    black and white quotes. Quote, Mean, Black And White
  • Quote, Mean, Black And White

  • dethmaShine
    May 1, 08:09 AM

    Image (http://i.imgur.com/gcjyQ.png)

    My preview in PathFinder shows the text but is still jumbled up. How did you show the converted binary file there?


    black and white quotes. A lack and white photo of
  • A lack and white photo of

  • Jolly Jimmy
    Aug 12, 10:56 AM
    This one has a few.


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  • EricNau
    Sep 26, 10:40 PM
    Give me something AOL and Google don't.

    AOL just announced something that allows you to back up 5GB of data. .Mac gives you 1 GB. AOL is free, .Mac costs $99. I understand there are other features, but AOL has most of them too. It's not worth the $$ until some major improvements happen.

    Plus, I believe AOL offers unlimited email storage (in addition to the 5GB of backup space).

    ...I'm starting to forget why I ever gave Apple that $100.

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  • lack and white quotes about

  • noahtk
    Apr 7, 09:12 AM
    Hopefully it fixes Home Sharing on the iPod Touch.

    Apr 30, 07:49 PM
    This is great news if it means the end of mobile me. Die Mobile Me - DIE DIE DIE. Anything will be better than the self centered sounding @me.com. I simply will not use the email address in a professional context. Don't mind @Mac.com, and still use it, but @me.com sends the wrong message.

    The problem with .Me is all in your mind. No one really cares what the extension is, it just a means to an end. Short suffixes are must easier, whatever they are.

    Sep 27, 06:17 AM
    That's nice, but I'm still waiting for more storage.

    To clarify, I have .Mac and love the features, I just think for $100/yr, Apple is being a little chintzy with storage (after all, Google offers 2 GB for free and AOL offers unlimited space for free).

    I dropped .mac two years ago because it was completely unreliable. Apple has decided to focus on eye candy rather than improving the service. I'm amazed that they can't do both.

    I now use roundecube installed at dreamhost and I'm very happy. For the same price as .mac, I get 20gb of storage, unlimited domain hosting, a yearly free renewal of my domain name, 675 email addresses etc etc...and while it's not as integrated as .mac, it gives me much much more useful features. Above all, except for a week of iffy service, it's been rock solid.

    For those who want something really nice looking, check out roundcube webmail

    Oct 26, 07:30 AM
    I'll be there after work at around 4:45-5:00. I can't wait to pick up my new MBP with Leopard! :)

    Oct 31, 10:44 AM
    Yeah, the whole 2G = 2nd Generation thing is getting old. Most people with any sense can discern 2G from 2GB, but that's assuming that most people have any sense, which sadly isn't the case.
    (I don't get it; when people say they have a 120 Gigabyte Hard Drive in their computer, they always say "120GB," not "120G." So why get confused at "2G iPod?" It's simply confounding!)

    Even with clarification, people still foul it up. I concur with recommending to referring to it as the G2 Shuffle, or even "new iPod shuffle" as Apple refers to it on their site.

    I'd recommend naming it "clippy" but well... that would just start a whole new debacle!

    Anyway, even though I already have a 5G iPod (err... that's 5th Generation, or G5, or iPod Video) I might pick up one of these clippy ones. I could take it places where I fear to carry my larger & more expensive iPod. It would also make a great gift!

    Aug 15, 05:32 PM
    All except #1 (the parrot). I scanned that one out of a magazine and messed with the hue and saturation a little bit then cropped it down.

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